And I recall those YouTube reviewers did make a list of Worst films of the Year...and here is a short list of mine...
Similar disclaimers apply: There is a limit to the films I watched...and if I knew they were particularly terrible (and has no watching value for me), then I would not have made the effort to see them, anyway...
That being said...

5. Mortdecai
This isn't a film that is boring from start to end - there was a lot of energy with this film and some humour that works, but a lot of the times the humour is just too cheesy-slash-weird-slash-unintelligible-slash-strange-slash-childish-slash-moronic. And guess what - so is the character Mortdecai himself. The slapstick comedy just no longer works in this day & age. Audiences need more smart humour, and this film just did something very brave, but ultimately very foolish.
4. Fantastic Four
Even before this film is released, I was already not liking the film for the kind of characters it brings up. It tried to be gritty & realistic, but whatever - this is a comic book film, so I'm definitely going to see it, anyway. And it was okay-ish for the first half of the movie...but then it just stumbles down like a rockslide. For the first 45 minutes or so, I could see what they were trying to bring, and I thought this film may not be all that bad. But then, they traveled to another dimension, skipped a huge chunk of what might be the most interesting bit of the film, and then jumped right into a boring finale with a weird villain in a battle that doesn't make sense. And the closing scene didn't help, either.
3. The Last Witch Hunter
I was having a splendid October (The Martian, Pan, Bridge of Spies) until this film came along. All this film had was some action. The characters (all of them, mind you) are dull & uninteresting. The plot is very generic & predictable. And apart from one or two humourous moments, it really is a boring film to watch, and I'm pretty sure I dozed off a bit somewhere in the middle.
2. The Gunman
You know, this film must be really boring, because I don't remember what this film is about. I had to look back into my review to recollect the details. This film has just about some good action sequences, and nothing more. There isn't even a lot of them (action sequences), for that matter. And the characters are so uninteresting that you couldn't even find yourselves to care for any of them, while the plot is just totally uninteresting. And honestly, the fact that I couldn't even remember what this film is about should have said it all.
1. Seventh Son
Why is this film topping my worst film of 2015? Because I was begging for the movie to end as soon as possible. The characters are mostly uninteresting, the plot is just utterly boring, and not even the visual effects is done well. Its a movie that has potential but just ends up mashing so many weird things altogether and ends up with a cocktail of different kinds of garbage. Unbelievably boring!
And there we have first ever list about the worst films of the Year...
If you want to put your thoughts in the comments, feel free to do so...
And hope 2016 will be better than these lot...
Part 2 & 3 (of the Best of 2015) still to come, soon...
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