Note: While many TV Series has recently ended, I am currently quite busy and with many movies out, the TV reviews will be delayed, and will be out as soon as I have time to spare...

The show has, in this second season, become more daring with their characters & the storylines. And they have ever-exciting characters like Coulson, Hunter, and even Fitz that you always want to root for. But it still didn't get me excited week-in week-out like Arrow or The Flash did. And the show still suffers from trying to be influenced by the MCU films, but can never influence them in return. It's a one-way relationship.
But even within the show itself, they have many faults, still. What had them resurging in the first season was a game-changing story (a fallout from The Winter Soldier). And maybe they thought it worked well, so they stuck with the same formula. They were trying to change too much in this second season, that it becomes less significant. They seem to be doing too much, it becomes convoluted & complex. Especially in the first half of the season, I was kind of lost on the emphasis of the characters. There was just too much going on.
With regards to the relationship to the MCU films, it's disappointing when you want to feel like a part of the universe but can never touch the big guns that make billions in the worldwide box office. This show will always suffer from just being that small world that occasionally gets fed from the other side. It's disappointing for the show, but in a personal way, I'm quite happy. Because this show did one thing wrong (in the first season). In how they revived Coulson and tempered with his memories, It's not just disappointing, it's stupid to think this exists in the MCU. So, I'd rather not.
So, I'll just take this as some TV show on the side to occasionally fill my time in the midst of my business. It's not the most exciting show, even the finale's cliffhanger doesn't really get me that much excited for season three. This is probably my least exciting show of all the shows I'm still watching. Well, at least I'm still watching it. I've kicked Gotham out. Oh, and how about a quick review for Gotham?
Gotham review: Boring as SH*T! I didn't even manage to finish season 1. Season 2, get out of the way!
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