The Transporter: Refueled (Sept 4-USA, Sept 4-UK, Sept 10-Singapore)
To me, this franchise has been but a good old action film with some exciting fight sequences & car chases, and one badass protagonist. They are of those typical non-blockbuster action films with a fast-paced but straightforward plot. This new film looks to be more of the same for me. In fact, if anything, this film seems to lack a Jason Statham...to be replaced by Ed Skrein (from Game of Thrones and next year, Deadpool) as the main protagonist. I have no qualms about the guy, but his character looks to be one-dimensional. I could still be wrong, though. The rest of the cast are mostly unknowns to me, as is the director. But the trailers do seem to promise good action, if nothing more.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeoKyTHn5Kg (Trailer #1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weqzAM5LCIY (Trailer #2)
Black Mass (Sept 18-USA, Nov 27-UK, Sept 17-Singapore)
Johnny Depp in much less make up than many of his previous roles, but his character does still seem to have that edge of eccentricity. His films of late has flopped big time, but personally, I believe that they are because of the film itself, not Depp. He's a great actor, and dare I say that he is one of the best for these kind of eccentric roles. He was better as Tonto (The Lone Ranger) and Mortdecai (Mortdecai) than he was in Transcendence, despite the former films also flopping bad.
With this film, Depp's character better have that eccentricity, otherwise there's no point of having Depp in that role. With respect to the film, it doesn't have the feel or the style of a typical crime film. But I don't have a lot to be judging now - and I am simply curious to see this film. And with a cast like that - Benedict Cumberbatch, Joel Edgerton, Kevin Bacon, and the list goes on - it should already be worth the price of admission.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE3e3hGF2jc (Trailer #1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XL_4_7cdn0 (Trailer #2)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XD0Q8JW9qw (Trailer #3)
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (Sept 18-USA, Sept 10-UK, Sept 10-Singapore)
The first film was a decent franchise starter with some fun & action. It wasn't particularly great in any aspect or level, but it was good enough to watch. Same goes with this second instalment, I am neither really anticipating it nor despising it. But the trailers does seem to show some improvement over its predecessor, at least in terms of action & visual effects. Probably the director was given more resources this time around. Probably.
Anyway, I still couldn't find myself to really care about the story or about what happens to these young adult protagonists. But with more exciting action sequences, and some great additions to the cast, The Scorch Trials is probably a good enough way to find some fun.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKawDPkcYdY (Trailer #1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7Rmk3qPGQ4 (Trailer #2)
Hotel Transylvania 2 (Sept 25-USA, Oct 16-UK, Sept 24-Singapore)
I had some unexpectedly great fun with the first film. And one of the good things about it: I can enjoy Adam Sandler without having to see him do something weird & foolish. But seriously, the first film was surprisingly good. The creative themes of the film was something I tend to enjoy with animation films, as does this one. And with the predecessor, there was also a lot of heart in the simple & straightforward plot. If they can repeat what they pulled off right in the first one, I'm looking at a very good time in the cinema this time around. But the trailers have not shown a lot, so I'll be here waiting to see what this sequel can bring.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smcHKYUs4RE (Teaser)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i73c3dgGxRQ (Trailer #1)
Other Movies:
Everest (September 18)
-I'm probably going to watch this when I can, but just for the thrills. I don't see a lot more this film can offer, as of now...
Captive (September 18)
-Though the general plot looks predictable, I'm curious to see this crime-drama and witness how the two main character's relationship develops...
Pawn Sacrifice (September 18)
-Saw the trailer, and it looks to be a very interesting dramatic biography...
Sicario (September 25)
-An crime thriller! Looks to have solid drama & action...
The Intern (September 25)
-An interesting theme for a comedy that looks to be both funny & heartful...starring a well known cast, too...
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