-Iron Man 3
-Man of Steel
-Thor: The Dark World
There are only four superhero movies this year, yet they are all awesome, as you can see with these Marvel and DC superhero films which have been coming year after year after year. The Wolverine didn't make the list of nominee because of the overall blockbuster experience. On its own, it is a great movie, but didn't deliver as much fun and awe as the three nominees above.
On the nominees side, however, Iron Man 3 delivers one of the finest overall blockbuster experience, with some great action sequences, along with the visual effects. Man of Steel is a great re-introduction of the character of Superman, while also opening a great big door for the world of DC to join in and compete in the big screens. Thor: The Dark World is an improvement over its predecessor, while bringing some of the most fun and laughs you can ever find in these kind of films.

Winner: Man of Steel
Sorry Marvel, DC wins this time. Although as the other films, Marvel movies never disappoint and are always a joy to watch, Man of Steel just have that extra quality and a massively positive outcome for the universe. The overall quality of the film is excellent, with brilliant action sequences and visuals, while the strong characters and cast bring for a wonderful new Superman film, which outcome is probably the strongest aspect of it all, teasing other DC characters, and opening great big doors (or gates, we should say) for the DC cinematic universe to come into the mix.
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