This movie feels much like a case of too many cooks in the kitchen. It is not any one person's vision, and hence, feels inconsistent. Zack Snyder kicked it off, but due to unfortunate circumstances, was unable to complete it. Joss Whedon (who has a rather opposing style & vision) was asked to complete it. And then there is the directive from Warner Bros chiefs to keep it light and to keep it under two hours. The outcome: neither here nor there.
Among the many flaws in this movie, the biggest among them are the overly simplistic, generic, predictable plot. It is literally like taking the common denominator of all superhero flicks of the past 10 years. And the plot feels so shallow - things just happen too quickly and the characters doesn't seem to change or have any character development at all.
To make it worse, the main villain in here is so dull & lame. If not for the stupid & weird Enchantress (in Suicide Squad), I can almost say that the villain in Justice League is the worst comic book villain in the past 10 years. Not to mention the CGI that wasn't really done well.
And speaking of the CGI, the overall visual effects in this movie was rather poor as well. I can still bear with it, but for a movie the size & scale of Justice League, it should have been done better.
But moving towards the more positive aspects of the film. It has great characters, in terms of the members of the Justice League. The dynamic between the characters was pretty cool & fun to watch. And despite some misses with the humour, a lot of the jokes does land and I thoroughly enjoyed the banter between the heroes. Such that if these characters were put in a different (better) story, I think this would have been a good movie. Crossing my fingers for Justice League 2...
Meanwhile, the action is still pretty good & fun to watch. And the score is okay, though it doesn't stand out. In fact, the one part I do like is the song used in the opening credits (Everybody Knows - Sigrid). Though it is not a good testament to the overall movie, but that song in the opening credits was my favourite part of the film. I really like that song.
Overall, the film is watchable & enjoyable, for me, but it is not of high quality in any way. As much as Batman v Superman wasn't great, at least it was fully Zack Snyder's vision. This one isn't, and that is what disappoints me most.
VERDICT: 60 / 100
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