A lot have changed in terms of the story for the franchise based on what happened in Days of Future Past. And here are my thoughts on them...

Future Sequences
I did say that the future sequences felt less at stake and lacks the emotional depth, and I can't really divulge without spoiling bits and pieces. First things first though, Bryan Singer did bravely at portraying some excellent deaths in the decapitation of Iceman and even Colossus (both at ice and steel form, respectively, for the sake of PG-13), which is just gruesomely brilliant. But my main point is, despite their cruel deaths, and even when Magneto and Prof X are on the brink of death, there is just no stakes left knowing the past could change that, without giving direct implication or directly showing what will happen should they die and fail to protect Wolverine. Furthermore, there isn't enough things happening beforehand to make us feel the value the things that future Prof X and Magneto have really done, so, all in all, it kind of feels less powerful in terms of drama.
It feels great to see the way this film acts as the centre of the web and connects all other films in the franchise. But more importantly is the way it changes the past to change the future, well, in the end we get to see Prof X, Beast, and even Jean Grey and Cyclops all well and alive and together running the school again. With a good sense of perception, this is as good as a happy ending can be. It makes us wonder how much the present have changed to lead to that kind of future, but then it also begs more and more question like, did the story of X-Men or X2 ever even happened. Truth is, it might not, and it tickles to feel that Bryan Singer may have just eliminated the story of his own films, so to speak. But it also means that The Last Stand may not have happened, so it opens a bigger question to what really happened, and if and will time travel ever be used again to change the dynamics of the X-Men storyline. Okay, that is a lot to take in. Which is why I had demanded a bit more explanation in the ending, but for now, I guess we'll just take it as it is.
Apocalypse? Future Instalments?
If you had stayed to the very end, you would have seen a post-credits scene that can be no more direct in stating that Apocalypse will be in the next movie. He is a very powerful mutant and one of the X-Men's greatest foes, so I just can't wait to see him in the cinematic world. It feels a bit funny that I never thought of him after seeing all these X-Men movies, and just realized that this one major villain never appeared at all, so I would really relish the moment he does.
Meanwhile, still concerning the ending of Days of Future Past, knowing that all those characters in the end are alive, will it leave future instalments with less intensity and drama, if we recall to ourselves that those characters will still be alive. This film actually kind of sets a different perception, at least for me, towards the whole franchise. But I still love the whole theme and story and I just want more and more X-Men films to come in the future.
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