Its not too hard to imagine that people would compare this to the Taken franchise...and from me, Run All Night has more substance in the plot, but lacks the smartness of the action sequences. It has that same feel of a Liam Neeson action flick we've gotten used to...but it still good enough for those wanting more of these.
Its good because the plot is more character-driven. There's a lot more heart & drama between the characters, and you can always feel the intensity of what these characters feel, even the antagonist. It's not some glorified action flick, but whatever fight that had to happen, has a good, justifiable reason behind it.
With all this, however, apparently they had to sacrifice the action. The fight sequences are less interesting & less clever, if you compare to other Liam Neeson action flicks. Its less dynamic in here, and more of a plain punch & shoot. Furthermore, what made it even less exciting is a good villain. The main antagonist (played by Ed Harris) is brilliant but never looked threatening and that's what this film is lacking. A threatening, terrifying villain (Mr. Price is not so).
The tone is darker and grittier than most, and it fails to balance it with some humour. The tone could have been balanced with some humour and some exciting, dynamic action, but it didn't. The soundtrack was decent, and so was the direction. It's an action film that works and is good enough to fill the time, but won't be as memorable or as catchy as the Taken series.
Good: Decent plot, Good substance & depth, Character-driven
Bad: Lacks dynamism, Minimal humour, Weak villain
SCORE: 6.0
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