Some warning though, Part 2 will be different as that one will require knowledge of the comics, and will be intended for comic book fans...
Don't worry, this one will only be based of what we see in the film...

"Finish the mission...cause I'll be with you til the end of the line"
(The most touching line in the film. How much more emotional can it be??)
Little Twist: The Winter Soldier is Bucky!
Well, there we go. This is the twist that is exactly as it is in the comics, so fans would have known. For movie-goers though, it may be different (unless you read the cast list). Now, I can't say how surprised film-goers will be when they saw his face...I even wondered if they would even recognize him. Yet, even for fans like me, I find it entertaining enough. Cap's reaction and Bucky's struggle afterwards is what sells it. Plus, every time they fight each other, there is that special feeling when you know these two are best friends and are equalling each other out. The fanboy inside me nearly exploded on the fight scenes between the two.
Big Twist: Hail HYDRA!
And this is the one where even fans may not have guessed. The idea of the return of HYDRA is a welcome one. While it is a bit radical to be taking it upon SHIELD, but for Captain America's world, it just fits. Arnim Zola being the computer like that is just as the comics intended. Though Winter Soldier never really worked for HYDRA in the comics, it probably is just a nice touch to do so here. And so is the fact that Zola is highly involved in the creation of the Winter Soldier himself. The only thing to look forward to from here, is that how does SHIELD and HYDRA go from here onwards. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's not the last we see of HYDRA, and with SHIELD in ruins, how is the future of the franchise and the TV series (Agents of SHIELD) going to be? Questions, questions, questions.
Oh, yes, and that Tony Stark's parents' death is somehow the work of HYDRA (as explained by Zola), well, kind of tied things up a bit more there...
Un-Twist-ed: Nick Fury's (Not) Death...
Well, I had my doubts throughout, but for some time there I really thought, yeah, maybe that was the end of the line for him. I tried to resist believing, but they took time before the reveal, so...well...I know...anyway, surprising or not, it is indeed a good plot line for the movie. His (not) death provided some push for the characters, while giving us the added suspense of not knowing who to trust. While his re-appearance gave us the relieve and gives Cap the team to finish the job, the people he can trust, or at least, rely on. Oh, and Nick's other eye is't see that coming (I don't suppose it is like that in the comics), so, from now patch required.
Credits' Scene
The mid-credits scene was a great tease, showing new characters Baron von Strucker, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch. All these characters will appear in Avengers: Age of Ultron, so teasing them here is just sweet. Baron von Strucker as mentioned is apparently a part of HYDRA as well, but remains hidden, and he seem to plan something bigger than SHIELD & HYDRA. With Loki's sceptre in his hands, and the twins in captivity, we shall soon see his plan in motion when Ultron hits theatres next summer. And probably the future of HYDRA too??
The post-credits scene here is very short indeed, but is perhaps the most meaningful as of yet. Compared to previous ones in the franchise which only shows some funny random things, this one looked like it meant something deep and is based on what had happened in the film, and from this one, we may have Bucky learn the truth about himself and maybe turn good after this. Of course, it remains to be seen how the Winter Soldier will be featured in upcoming films, but this certainly is a good sign, isn't it?
And yes, there will still be a part 2 after this...but quick reminder again, that will require knowledge of the comics and will be aimed for comic book fans...
So, if you don't want to know about the stories in the comics (and hence potential storylines) then it is best to avoid it....
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