"So, who's the Alpha?"
The Park is Open...
Ah, this moment. A glorious feeling deep down to see park, Jurassic World, open. Similar to that of other theme parks around the world, with the shops, restaurants...the crowds, the trains...but with significantly more humongous attractions...the gyrosphere, the kayaking - I wouldn't say no to that kayaking in the river if given the opportunity. Sadly, this is as close as I can get to feel of this never-to-be theme park. And to see all this with the main Jurassic theme by John William...Glorious! No other words could describe.
Only...I have to admit I experienced a similar feeling with that song...entering Universal Studios (Singapore) accompanied with that very music. So, that's where you can go to feel that magical feeling.
Not really a spoiler bit, here. But I just can't say enough how much I admire those velociraptors, and seeing Owen (Chris Pratt) with those raptors...makes me wish I can pet a raptor for real. And that motorbike scene...oh man, I can watch a whole movie of just Owen and the raptors running around the whole island. I just simply cannot behold the awesomeness of the agile raptors running...and the cool sounds they make...
I could go on forever, so I'd better stop here. Just know, Velociraptors are officially my favourite dino now...and Blue (the one with the blue stripe), just make raptors a whole lot cooler than they already are.
Welcome to Jurassic Park...
Okay, there is officially so many nods to Jurassic Park, I may even missed some. But I certainly did not miss when Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) jokingly muttered "Welcome to Jurassic World".
But the best moment had to be when the kids Gray (Ty Simpkins) and Zach (Nick Robinson) saw that door...and then enters it. And there it was...the main atrium that was in the original film where the T-Rex roared, along with the banner that fell...and my, even that night vision goggles is seen, too. This was really one big fan service to those who fell in love with the original. What a magical moment!
Indominus Rex...
Just a quick point here. And if I may, without bragging, I just want to say that ever since this creature evaded thermal detection & misled the humans with the scratch marks...I had a big feeling that this dinosaur was part-Velociraptor. I was right, in the end, confirmed by Owen's statement after seeing her communicate with his raptors. But throughout, her intelligence was mentioned over and over. And there was only ever one other dino in the films who's intelligence was singled out.
T-Rex (and a Velociraptor) vs Indominus Rex! This has to be every child's dream. The little kid inside me was screaming loudest in seeing this battle took place. Yes, it may be CGI-filled, and it may be messy...but after seeing this, here's what I'll say: I don't care! It was fun...it was like a dream to me! Even in seeing the raptors defend Owen and attacks the Indominus, I was already in a dream. Just glad to find out in the end, that Blue is alive...
Note 1: There's always a bigger fish, though...
Note 2: I suppose, wherever the place, the T-Rex is really the king of them all. Do you remember that T-Rex roar in the main atrium in Jurassic Park? Or that T-Rex roar in the docks, overlooking the city, in The Lost World? Yes, the T-Rex made another roar here, overlooking Jurassic World, with that final shot of the film.
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