Johnny Depp's eccentric roles has apparently overstayed its welcome, and this film proves just that. Jack Sparrow and the Mad Hatter are his billion-dollar roles, but his other roles doesn't seem to appeal anymore, especially so in the case of Mortdecai. Fans of Depp, worry not...Alice in Wonderland sequel will come next year, followed by another Pirates of the Caribbean film the year after. We shall hope to see Depp back at his best very soon.
In the meantime, Mortdecai...is perhaps his worst film in recent memory. It's not that its entirely grim or depressing - I had a little fun with it - but a slapstick comedy...in this modern era...not a good idea! People nowadays require a bit more intelligence in humour, so creating a slapstick comedy is indeed brave...but foolish indeed. The cast is probably not to be blamed so much as the general idea is.
In another movie with a different tone, this film could be entertaining. But as it stands, watching Mortdecai is watching a very weird character doing unexpected things with unbelievable outcomes. In its defense, I kind of like the energy of the film, supported by its cool, energetic music. And once in a while, I did find myself slightly amused. But overall, its not really the film you want to spend your bucks for. This film has already failed even before it begins production, because even the idea itself doesn't really appeal to a modern audience, much less to critics.
Good: Energetic tone & music, Some humour
Bad: Slapstick comedy fails, Weird character, Even weirder action & outcome
SCORE: 4.0
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